Formed in 1976, the Desert Lake Property Owners' Association promotes the responsible use, enjoyment and conservation of this unique lake environment.

As per the Constitution & Bylaws, the Voting Members shall elect from their ranks a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 Directors who shall hold office for two years. Directors shall be eligible for re-election for a total of three terms (six years). The Directors shall constitute the Executive Committee.


Graham Pryce | President
Thomas Bucher | Vice-President
Laura Stanbra | Treasurer
John Bonner - Auditor
Alice Price | Secretary
Jamie Bechard | Marketing & Communications
Vacant | Director


General Issues & Politics Working Committee:

  • Rik Saaltink
  • Alan Revill
  • Thomas Bucher

Website & Social Media Working Committee:

  • Jamie Bechard
  • Emma Saaltink
  • Hilary Pryce

Annual General Meeting Working Committee:

  • Graham Pryce
  • Rik Saaltink
  • John Bonner

Lake Water Quality Testing Working Committee:

  • Alice and Jonathan Price