For emergencies related to fire, ambulance or police, property owners need to dial 9-1-1. 



Township of South Frontenac
  • 613-376-3027
  • Staff Directory
  • 4432 George Street, PO Box 100, Sydenham, Ontario, Canada, K0H 2T0

Hydro One
Most of South Frontenac is serviced by Hydro One . For emergencies and outages dial 1-800-434-1235, for customer inquiries dial 1-888-664-9376. Visit the Hydro One website to determine the status of power outages in your area.

Water & Sewage
All residential units and seasonal dwellings in South Frontenac have their own septic systems. The KFLA Health Unit regulates sewage and septic systems, contact them directly for more information.

Property Taxes
Contact the South Frontenac Municipal Office in person located at 4432  George Street or via email at taxes@southfrontenac.net.

Fire Station
Stations #3 is located in Verona at  6930 Road #38.

  • Fire Chief Darcy Knott
  • 613-376-3027 ext 2234

 The Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority
1641 Perth Road, P.O. Box 160, Glenburnie, Ontario K0H 1S0



Kingston General Hospital,
76 Stuart Street, Kingston, Ontario K7L 2V7,

Medical Tree Walk-In Clinic
Medical Tree Clinic is a polyclinic, which provides walk-in services, specialists and more to our ever growing patient population.