Looking for a great hiking trail around South Frontenac? Below is a round-up of terrific resources providing information on area hiking trails, running trails, lake trails and more.

Offering hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers, and nature lovers.


The K&P Trail is a recreational trail that runs along the old Kingston and Pembroke Railway bed. The K&P was abandoned by its owner, Canadian Pacific Railway, between 1962 and 1986, and ran from Kingston to Renfrew. Embark on a virtual tour of the beautiful Frontenac K&P Trail.

  • View the Cataraqui trail system here

The Ontario Trails website offers an interactive map to help you find the perfect trail. Click below to access the Frontenac sub region:

This provincial park offers over 100 km of hiking and backpacking trails in interconnected loops, including:

Arab Lake Gorge Trail - 1.5 km loop, 30 min walk, easy
Starting at the Park Office, this trail features valley bottom vegetation, various ferns and a boardwalk with an accompanying interpretive brochure.

Doe Lake Loop - 3 km loop, 1 to 1.5 hour walk, easy to moderate
Hike along the shores of South Otter Lake and Doe Lake with a lookout over Doe Lake. An interpretive brochure is available. The trail starts at the Park Office.
Arkon Lake Loop – 11 km loop trail, 3 to 4.5 hours, moderate
This trail will lead you through a mature deciduous forest where you will see many beaver ponds and a ring bog complex along the way.
Bufflehead Trail – 8 km loop, 2.5 hours, moderate.
This walk is popular for its beaver ponds and scenic ridge. It bisects the Arkon Lake Loop and starts at the Arab Lake parking lot.
Cedar Lake Loop – 14 km loop, 4 to 6 hours, Moderate to difficult
While hiking this trail along Doe Lake and the south shore of Big Salmon Lake you will encounter wetlands in various stages of evolvement.
Big Salmon Lake Loop – 17 km loop, 5 to 7 hours, moderate to difficult
This trail circles Big Salmon Lake.  The north side of the trail runs through a forested landscape along some century old remains of homesteads. It offers scenic views at the east end and south side of Big Salmon Lake.
Little Salmon Lake Loop – 10 km loop trail, 3 to 5 hours, moderate to difficult
Start this trail at either the west end of Big Salmon Lake or the Arab Lake parking lot. The trail runs through mature bush and the south end of Moulton Gorge valley.
Little Clear Lake Loop – 7 km loop, 4 to 5 hours, easy to moderate
Most hikers start this trail at the west end of Big Salmon Lake, adding 4 km to begin the hike. The trail circumnavigates Little Clear Lake. Hikers will encounter mature bush and the remains of 19th century buildings.
Hemlock Lake Loop – 5 km loop, 3 hours to hike the loop, plus 2 to 3 hours each way to the loop itself, easy to moderate
Normally started from the west end of Big Salmon Lake (adding 7 km to get to the start of the Hemlock Loop), the trail goes through mature deciduous trees and old abandoned farm fields.
Tetsmine Lake Loop – 10 km loop, 5 to 6 hour hike when starting at the north end. Add 3 to 4 hours each way when starting from Big Salmon Lake Road, moderate
Most hikers start this loop at the north end of the Park, accessing at Kingsford Dam. The loop is fairly rugged in a mature deciduous bush setting and crossing the north end of the Moulton Gorge. Abandoned mica mines and a few 19th century homesteads remain.
Gibson Lake Loop – 9 km loop, 5 to 6 hours plus an hour each way from the dam, moderate
This hike is often started at the north end of the Park (at Kingsford Dam) which adds 3 km each way to the hike. Walk by the Crab Lake mine and along mature forested ridges and hills and along a fen in the northeast corner of the park.
Slide Lake Loop – 21 km, 8 hour loop, plus a 1 hour hike to get to the start, difficult
This loop is the longest and most rugged loop trail in the Park. Be prepared for a very challenging hike! The trail crosses many barren rock ridges and travels through several forests in various stages of succession. You will encounter granite ridges, lookouts, ponds and marshes while passing by Buck Lake, Slide Lake, Doe Lake and Big Salmon Lake.
Corridor Trail – 5 km linear trail, 1.5 hours one way, moderate
This trail parallels Big Salmon Road starting at the Park Office and ending at the south shore of Big Salmon Lake.
PLEASE NOTE : Several trail loops are accessed via another trail to start. Trails are not suitable for all terrain strollers or wheel chairs. Hiking times are approximate. You must add time to the hike depending on weather, snow or ice conditions, as well as your physical condition. Always bring lots of water, snacks, a map and a first aid kit. Help is not close at hand. Cell phone coverage is limited at Frontenac.
For more information on these trails, click here.