Fire Ban Status
The South Frontenac Fire Ban status and guidelines can be found through the button link above in addition to By-law 2012-68. Any questions concerning the by-law should be directed to the Fire Chief Darcy Knott at 613-376-3027 Ext 2234 or via email at
SFFR personnel will continue to review this situation and consider changes to the ban if conditions warrant. There is no desire to have the ban in place for any longer than necessary - the goal is to protect persons, property, and to reduce excess costs to Township ratepayers.
Contravention of the Total Fire Ban, and any other infractions under the By-law will result in financial penalties associated with the cost of emergency response and enforcement. Fees are outlined in the Township’s Burning By-law No. 2012-68 and range from $75 for a basic response and investigation of a complaint, to $410 per vehicle plus firefighter wages for larger responses.